Beech Lumber 38mm

Beech Lumber 38mm is used for furniture, flooring, doors, carving, panelling, brush handles, turnery, especially suitable for making food containers because it has no odor and taste.

Beech Lumber 38mm

Beech Lumber 38mm


Raw Beech wood is imported from Europe. Beech tree makes up 80% of forest in Europe. European Beech wood is more strong and beautiful than American Beech wood. The wood is stiff, heavy, strong, durable, with a high shock resistance and good characteristics for steam-bending.

Grades of kiln dried Beech lumber:
Superior: Having the best quality and the longest length - used for high-grade products.
- Superior 1 Face: The special grade for projects that need to focus on only 1 surface.
- Cabinet: Suitable for projects that require a lot of long boards.
- Custom Shop: An economical grade for projects that require an average length or shorter.
- Superior Colour: The most suitable grade for common projects (boards of Cabinet and Custom Shop grade with a dark heartwood).
Main uses: Furniture, flooring, doors, carving, panelling, brush handles, turnery, especially suitable for making food containers because it has no odor and taste. 

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