American Alder Lumber

Alder tree grows widely in the West Coast of America, mainly in the Pacific Northwest. American Alder Lumber is imported from America in many grades and dimensions.

American Alder Lumber

Alder has a nearly white color when freshly cut, but changes to yellow or red when exposed to the air.

Alder wood is relatively soft, has an average density, low tortional strength, shock resistance and hardness. Alder heartwood is not resistant to decay; therefore, it is easily attacked by normal termites.

Alder wood machines, nails, screws and glues well, can take paint and stain to become good products. Alder is also an ideal wood for turning and sanding. The wood is durable, dries easily and has a good dimensional stability after drying.


Alder lumber is used for kitchen cabinets, doors, interior trim, turnery, carving, kitchen utensils, etc.



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